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Notary Public Underwriters Blog

Small Business Tips for Your Notary Business Part III: Google Plus

In Social Media Tips for Your Notary Business Part I: Pinterest we explained how to reveal a different side to your brand, and in Social Media Tips for Your Notary Business Part II: LinkedIn we explored the more professional world of social media. Google Plus is one of the often forgotten social media platforms. It has a smaller following than some of the major platforms, such as Facebook. (But let’s be honest, as the first major social site, many others pale in comparison to Facebook.) Google Plus does have its own set of uses. G+ No two social media platforms are the same, and you need to utilize each one for their key successes. Google Plus allows you to expand more than Facebook would, but still have the real-time factor of Twitter. Some of the neat features of it are that Google Plus views each post you make as its own link, which allows you to share posts much easier. Not only does this make the sharing of each of your posts incredibly easy, it also allows Google to pick up these extra links and content you have posted. This could increase your Google organic rankings. (Google Plus in general can help your website rankings, since it was created by Google.) Furthermore, the account links to all of your other google accounts, meaning your YouTube presence, any blogs and your email will be available from your Google Plus. To take advantage of all of the benefits of Google Plus for your business, you should create a company page like you would for Facebook or for LinkedIn. Utilize Your Circles Google + allows you to create as many circles as you wish, and overlap people in them, and meld and delete groups as you wish. This makes for easier organization of your “friends.” You can also limit your posts to certain circles. We recommend you post to the public majority of the time—especially, if you are soliciting for your business. When you do post something that you know a specific group would like, you can change your post to reach a certain circle. Furthermore, these circles allow you to email specific people with links to stories you feel they would find interesting. Word of caution not to overdo the email feature, people do not want multiple emails from you a week; majority of the time this will create an attitude of annoyance towards your company. You can access your circles from the drop box Google Plus box we have highlighted in the below picture. It is also what your circles will look like when you view them. All of your tools are available at in the drop down menu on the upper left side of your Google Plus page. The drop down menu allows you to access your circles, photos, communities, events, hangouts and more. G circle Engage on Hangouts There are a plethora of specific groups in Google Plus. They allow you to interact with like-minded individuals, and to network with other industry experts and help reach more potential clients. Longer Posts Google Plus allows you to have mini blogs within your home feed—the length of the post is whatever you are comfortable with, but Google Plus gives you the option of lengthier posts. The lengthier posts are also usually shared more often. Format Your Posts Google Plus allows you to get creative with your posts. You can bold words by adding asterisks (*) before and after the word(s), to italicize place an underscore before and after the word(s), Strikethroughs can be made with a hyphen before and after the word(s), and various bullets options are the ALT +16, ALT +7 and ALT+ 175. Utilize these extra options as best you can without going overboard. They allow you to have a longer post that is still digestible. Google Plus is often not the first site people think of when launching their social media campaign for a business, but it allows more individual interaction, while also reaching a wide group of people. Start expanding your company’s reach today!
Category: Notary Business

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